Monday, November 7, 2016

Product Review

1) JAWBONE ERA bluetooth headset: $140

Review: I do not have much experience with Bluetooth headsets, as this is my first one ever, but so far this headset gets a 3 out of five star rating from me. I bought this headset, ideally, for work as I work in a noisey manufacturing plant as a maintenance technician and I needed a noise cancelling Bluetooth headset for hands free calling while I perform my daily duties. Of course, just like with any product, there are some things I like and some things that I do not.

Pros: This Bluetooth headset is light and small which is something that I can say I appreciate. I cancels out the different background sounds being provided by my work environment. This headset can also be used to listen to media sounds(music and movies). Fast Bluetooth charger as well as a carrying case that can charge it as well. Lasts relatively long, up to 5 hours of straight talk time, on a single five hour charge. Another nice feature, though I seldom use it, is the ability to to hear text message and emails, and reply using your voice.

Cons: Even though the headset is noise cancelling, I can barely hear the person on the other line which is a bit disappointing. The volume and sound quality leaves much to e desired as it can sometimes be murky.

Overall: The only thing keeping this product from receiving a 5 star rating from me is the low volume level. Other than that, the hands free features are much appreciated. Outside of a noisey setting this would be the absolute perfect Bluetooth headset.

Image result for jawbone era bluetooth headset

2) Polaroid Bluetooth Tall Tower Stereo: $40

Review: First off, I want to make it known that my expectations for this product were not very high to begin with as it was just something I decided to try out while shopping at a dollar store. That being said, this speaker is not bad for the price. The speaker, itself, looks nice, and the sound quality can be best described as average, but lacking in bass. It is best used in small isolated rooms in order to receive the best quality possible. It works off of Bluetooth, however, it also comes with an auxiliary cord for devices that are incompatible, or just as an added option. The Bluetooth has a reach of up to 30ft. This speaker comes with a AM and FM radio option as well

Pros: Price us considerably cheap. Works well with Bluetooth and auxiliary cord options. Average sound quality. AM and FM radio is an added bonus.

Cons: Sound quality leaves much to be desired. The base is a joke. Not made for big spaces

Overall: The quality was exactly what I expected for a speaker that was purchased from dollar tree. The sound quality and volume capabilities are average at best. The style of the speaker is actually quite decent. My final verdict is if you do not want to spend much money on a Bluetooth speaker that is decent this is the one for you. However, if you are like me and want a Bluetooth speaker that is loud, has great bass, and sound quality, then I suggest you stop being cheap and go for brands like Bose, Sonos, or Beats by Dre. I have one by Beats and I love it. After careful reading of reviews, I plan to go buy the Sonos speaker collection as well.

3) Beats By Dre Studio Wireless Headphones: $380

Review: So far I have owned two pairs of dre beats headphones; the in-ear and over the ear wireless studio editions. I bought these headphones because, one,  I love listening to music really loud whether I am listening to an instrumental preparing to write my own music, or I am listening to someone else's. I love to just get lost in the the whole experience of the music. With that being said, these headphones had a growing reputation for being the loudest headphones on the market that also packed an amazing bass feel without sacrificing the sound quality of the music. The second reason I bought them is because they look really cool especially when compared with other wireless headphones. As for the product as a whole, I can say I am very satisfied with the overall sound quality an d volume. The fact that it is wireless is a huge plus allowing me to use them while working out, or doing anything physical period, without the nuisance of the cord being in the way, or having the cord getting caught on something leading to the headphones flying off my head.

Pros: Very stylish design. Up to 12 hours of use on a single 2 hour charge. Very loud, and has bass so loud you can feel it as the headphones vibrate. Noise cancelling works perfect. It is Bluetooth and comes with two auxiliary cords as well. Very comfortable to wear.

Cons: When the batteries die, you can no longer listen to music, even when plugging in the cord to the headphones. These headphones have the tendency to experience blown speakers, even without listening to music at high levels. The price is a bit high at $380.

Overall: These headphones are perfect for the everyday music listener who can appreciate good quality as these headphones allow you to listen to music the way the artist intended you to. The only downside is the price, but when you consider the alternatives like "Skullcady" which are good too and they are bluetooth but the sound quality is no where near beats, or Bose headphones which are debatably better than Beats but comes at a hefty starting price of $400.

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