Monday, October 10, 2016

Before I Die(Bucket List)

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You would think it would be easy to come up with a bucket list, but for me it is actually difficult. I am a true believer in "living life to the fullest" so I have achieve most of the things I would have put in my bucket list, however, I believe I can still have a few things I would like to do before I die.

Image result for music video shootImage result for music video shootThe first thing I want to do is make a music video, which is something I plan to do within the next month. I have been writing music ever since I was ten years old and before that I was winning first prize all over in dance competitions, so music has always meant a lot to me. I like watching music videos with creative story lines and graphics. Everyone has a different creative mind so it is always interesting to see how their creativity will manifest in their music and the video. I have so many ideas, and with the job that I have I am now in the position where I can comfortably spend whatever I want to get a video to match my vision. Who knows, maybe one day I will learn how to shoot and edit my own videos.

Next on my list in something that is on everyone's list; traveling. When i say traveling, I do not mean just in the U.S., I mean globally. I want to experience what other states and countries have to offer,the culture, the environment, the people, the food, I want to experience everything I can. I have traveled to many places already and do not have any plans of slowing up. I have this thing where I collect hats from all the countries' states and cities that I have visited, and as of right now, the only international hats I own are my London and Mexico hats. I plan on adding to my hat collection more and more as time passes.
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Aspen, Colorado
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Aspen, Colorado.

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Paris, France

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Graphic design
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This next thing on my list is something that is very important to me. I want to start, and fund, a program for the youth, directed more towards minorities(though anyone will be welcome to join), that will expose them to life's opportunities. I want it to almost be like a career camp where kids go to be exposed to the different types of careers there are for them(S.T.E.M, medical, business, law, etc) in the future. If I would had something like this when I was younger and was exposed to engineering I would have been more motivated in school and things would have gone different for me in life. This, just like sports was for me and plenty others, can be the motivation kids need to stay, and thrive, in school. You have a lot of kids that want to play sports, and they know that they have to stay in school and maintain a certain GPA while doing so. Those kids have sports as their motivation to stay and do well in school, but what about the kids who are not athletes? Or what about the kids who are just not good enough to make it to the next level? I have seen, and still see to this day, many adolescents loose their life due to a lack of hope, a lack of motivation, a lack of support, or just a pure lack of guidance. If I had not found a way to motivate myself I would be in the same position as a lot of my old friends; in jail or dead. I just want to help give those kids the hope, the motivation, the support, and the guidance that they need in order to reach their full potential doing something positive. The only way to do this is by giving them options, showing them another way, and by showing them the end result of what their hard work will get them by being an example which is perhaps the most important part. Without proof its just all talk and hype to them. I know because it was the same way I thought.
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Medical/ Science Career

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Sonny Rollins
On to the next thing on my bucket list; learning to play the saxophone. I remember the first time I herd someone play. One could relate it to the way the narrator felt in the story "Sonny's Blues" when he herd  his brother Sonny play the piano at that club for the first time. When that man played the saxophone you could hear all the emotion, the pain, the suffering, and that, to me, is an amazing thing. Music, to me, is a feeling, a way of expressing yourself, which is something I feel like our generation has lost sight of. No matter what genre of music I listen to all I hear is ignorant trash because all people care about is making money instead of making good music. When you can influence others to feel your emotions, or any emotions period, through music, you are truly gifted. That man that played the sax that day made me want to play because it touched me so much, and I want to be able to do that. Also the way the Saxophone sounds is amazing. I taught myself how to play piano when I was ten now I am ready for my next instrument.

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John Coltrane

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Number five on my list is learning to speak at least one new language fluently. I do not have a reason other than just being able to communicate with different cultures, which is funny when you think about it because I do not really like people, nevertheless, like seen to really like talking to me. Learning new languages would also benefit me considering all the overseas traveling I have in my future. I also want to know what all the foreigners in the U.S. are saying when they are speaking their native language because I think that they are often talking shit. Excuse my language but I did not know any other way to say it. I guess that is one of the things I have to improve on while I am in school; expanding my vocabulary.
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Audi R8
Sixth on my bucket list is owning a super-car. I know. So far I had a mature respectable list then I had to go and get all superficial, but so what. I want one, therefore, I will have one! I am thinking something along the line of a Audi or Ferrari. Besides my infatuation with the style of super-cars, I love how fast they can go. I love, love, love to drive fast and I have the speeding tickets to prove it. Jut like everything else on this bucket list, I will achieve this goal, and probably a suspended license from more speeding tickets right after, but hey. They have to catch me to give me a ticket so good luck to them on that.
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Aston Martin

Image result for engineering labOn to the next thing on my list, number seven, creating something that will last and have a huge impact on the world. One could say that is why I am in school pursuing the major's I am pursuing. I have loved two things since i was young; music and technology. I have always had it in my head that i was either going to have a music career, be an entrepreneur, and/or an inventor. Until I was exposed to engineering, I did not know I could actually have a career inventing,or innovating, things, which is why I did not go to school right away. No one told me about engineering, which ties back to why I want to start that program. Technology is becoming a huge part of human society as we continue to lean more and more on it for our day to day lives. That being said, I want to be apart of the the amazing things that are being created. I have a lot of things that I would like to see created, so why not be the one to create those things? I have been tearing apart and putting things back together as a kid. My mom can attest to that. I also started a lot of fires trying to invent things by combining parts from my different toys when i was younger.

My  family
My cousins and Aunt
The final thing on  my list, which I am sure is on everyone's list, is to have my own family. I want to find someone who is loyal and cares about me as much as I care about them, someone I actually have strong feelings for, and can build with. Out of everything on my list, this will probably be the toughest thing to accomplish. However, once I am to complete this near impossible task, I want to start a family, have kids. I want to be able to go on road trips, visit resorts and themes parks, and just do things as a family period, because even though we did not have a lot growing up, the moments I spent doing things with my family meant the world to me.

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