Sunday, September 18, 2016

Me By the Numbers

Everyone has at least one number that is memorable to them, not because of the number itself but because of what it represents(a date, a time, a favorite athlete, age,etc). One of those numbers for me is the number 18, for so many reasons. My whole life changed for me when I turned 18. It started off well when I moved out of my mom's apartment into my own. I started taking flights and road trips with my friends from state to state with the goal of just having fun and "living life".My life growing up was very modest so I could have never imagined would go on to do the things I did. Everything I experienced opened me up to life's possibilities. This was also around the time I had realized Disney Channel had lied to me as a kid, there was no such thing as love, and so I was messing around with a lot of women all over. For a minute everything felt like it was going my way.

Although things may have started off off well, they sure did not end that way. After getting home from the last trip I took that year, I received a huge reality check. I was new to being on my own, and was so caught up in "living life" that I forgot that I had responsibilities now; bills. By the time I finally came to this realization I was already behind over $3,000 which I did not have due to months of traveling and shopping. You know the saying when it rains,it pours? Like the domino effect, one thing after another went wrong. I lost my car, one of my jobs, and I was still in debt. All of this eventually led to me getting in touch with some of what people call my more questionable friends, which led to led me getting into the street life I fought so hard to avoid as an adolescent. The following years were filled with so much pain, so much death, and so much suffering. There was no way to be prepared for what I had gotten myself into. It was like a whole different world which makes the one I live in now seem fake. I lost a huge part of myself that I can never get back, but that is  story for another time.

The number 21 is also I number that stays in the back of  my mind, though I honestly do not know why. Maybe it is because when I am playing black jack at the casino it wins me a lot of money. Maybe it is because when i turned 21 I was finally considered a full adult and could enjoy all the privileges that came with that. A lot of significant things happened to me was I was 21 so I will just focus on that.

When I was 21, I was finally recovering from the hole in dug for myself when I was 18. I had become like a whole different person due to my bad choices that led to even worse experiences. I was more serious, focus, angry, and less social. This is around the time I took my 9 to 5 serious and received multiple promotions. It was also the the time i decided to go back to school. My only goal was to be successful, and that mindset led me to some pretty amazing opportunities.

On to my final number 3, which represents how many girls have had my heart and broke it. I rarely ever date girls, I usually just have sex with them for a while, then on to the next. Every girl knew and understood the terms of our "so called" relationship and they were cool with them. Then
there were these three girls who would go on to ruin everything by making me catch feeling like they did, eventually breaking my heart. The first girl, Rejean, was one I went to high school with. She never gave me an explanation for our break-up. As a matter of fact, she never gave me any notification that we were breaking up. She just fell off the earth, ignoring all my phone calls and texts, leaving me confused and broken. The next girl's name was Miah. We spent so much time together, and got along so well that even our friends thought we would last forever. It is funny we set the example of what a real relationship was supposed to be like to our friends. All my guy friends, and her friend's boyfriends, were all catching the third degree because they did not treat their girls like I treated mine nor did they do the things me and Miah did as a couple. Though alas, nothing lasts forever, her pride got in the way of our relationship and ruined everything. She was so worried about other women that she could not realize that she was all I saw. She made it up in her mind that she would not let me hurt her so she would go on to end things. This is something I learned later on,because just like the first girl, without explanation or warning, she just fell off the earth and I was devastated. The the last girl Mya (Myasia) and I held a relationship similar to the one Miah and I had. We both had trust issues which led to us parting ways. All of these relationships affected me so much that I did what I always do when I am in my feelings. I wrote songs about it. I also became more reserved, and less than enthusiastic about relationships